Today most people are looking to saving money. As you know, the credit crunch is slowly easing but it is still good to save money wherever you can! To help with this we have put together a few tips on how to save money when moving, simply follow the steps below to make it easier for you to pack and move your belonging quickly and in a safe way.
1. Use boxes to pack your belongings
Buy as many boxes you need to pack your belongings as this will help keep your valuables safe and easy to pack in the back of the van.
2. Use bubble wrap and tape
This step will make sure that your glassware and belongings are safe and won’t brake, tape also secures your boxes so if they do tip over the contents will remain intact.
3. Wrap all your belonging to prevent them from getting dirty.
4. Mark all relevant boxes to each room so that its easy for the removal team to find the right room and make your unpacking job a lot easier!
5. Always keep what you need?
Throw away any unwanted items before you move! Use moving as an opportunity to de-clutter, as the more you move the more it will cost you in packing materials and labour.
6. If you can get into to your new home before the moving date, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen before you move in can save a lot of time and effort.
7. Place bottles that contain liquid in carrier bags or plastic wrap. If they leak during the move they may damage your other items which will cost money to replace.
8. Seal drawers in your furniture with tape so they don’t move around and get damaged or damage other items while in transit.
9. Keep sandwich bags handy for holding any small parts of things you have to take apart, like curtain rods or mounted flat-screen TVs.
10. If you have a lot of fragile valuables, hiring movers as opposed to asking friends can end up paying for itself.
11. Use our man and van service as its more reliable and cheaper to use.